Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№4, 2020


[RUS] / [ENG]
  • Section  1. Biology
    • T.E. Aleshina, A.В. Zhukova To issue of territorial distribution of oncology diseases in Kaluga region

    • T.A. Boyko, A.V. Romanov, S.Y. Berdinskikh, V.S. Botalov Sanitary state of smoll-leaved linden (Tilia cordata Mill.) and the content of some elements in the soils of Komsomolsky prospekt in Perm

    • I.N. Lykov, N.T. Gulordava, E.O. Kovaleva Medical and ecological aspects of the presence of microorganisms in the air

    • N.Ya. Mokshina, G.V. Zibrov, V.P. Zakusilov, I.E. Kuznetsov, A.N. Larionov Environmentally  safe  systems  based on water-soluble polymers for  extraction and determination of amino acids

  • Section  2. Environmental Safety Construction and Town Economy
    • S.A. Afanasyev, J.N. Shevchenko, D.A. Volkov, D.A. Melnikova Photochemical smog in a city with a high transport and industrial load on the troposphere

    • V.V. Glukhov, M.A. Grekov, G.L. Kozinets, V.N. Chechevichkin, A.V. Chechevichkin, L.A. Yakunin Current state of surface runoff treatment facilities of the Ring road of St. Petersburg and the possibility of their modernization

    • G.G. Kozlova, S.A. Onina, L.R. Zakirova Efficiency of wastewater treatment at biological treatment facilities of Karmanovskaya GRES of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    • A.I. Renz Measurement of the concentration of volatile organic compounds as a criterion for assessing the environmental safety of the indoor environment.

    • E.M. Shumakova, M.O. Vashchenko, V.I. Gudilin Residential buildings near a large dam: vibrations, ecological, technical and social consequences

    • S.A. Varyuhina,  M.B. Khodyashev On the regulation of wastewater discharged to the terrain

  • Section 3. Geoecology
    • V.T. Starozhilov Fundamental tendencies of cartographic modeling of landscapes as a natural "foundation" for territories development

    • M.A. Khrustaleva, S.V. Suslov, L.I. Boytsenyuk, V.S. Gruzdev Features of formation, distribution and migration of elements in the soils of the Istrinsko-Zvenigorodsky agrolandscape to increase their productivity

    • N.M. Davydenko, N.V. Ivanisova, L.V. Kurinskaya Temperature regime of roadside landscapes soils

    • Z.I. Slukovskii, A.V. Guzeva, V.A. Grigiriev, V.A. Dauvalter, A.S. Mitsukov Paleolimnological reconstruction of the technogenic impact on the ecosystem of lake Bolshoi Vudjavr (Kirovsk, Murmansk region, Arctic): new geochemical data

  • Section 4.  Urban Planning and Rural Planning
    • R.O. Kalov, G.A. Bekarov Critical environment management areas in the economic frameworks of mountain valleys

    • A.M. Repeva Automatization of architectural design processes in town planning  in the rapid urbanization conditions

    • N. V. Yakovenko, I. V. Safonova Component assessment of human capital at the regional level

    • L.N. Belyaeva, A.Y. Karandeev, D.S. Klimov, B.I. Kochurov Landscapes of small towns and assessment of their accomplishment

  • Section 5.  Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concept
    • I. B. Melnikovа Designing features of traditional oriental cuisine such as teahouse.

    • A.V. Popov, P.A. Potapova Sustainable university campuses design

  • Review of the textbook «Modernism as a style in architecture. The main stages of development» by the authors Melnikova I.B. and Popov A.V.


    Дата последнего обновления: 13:39:01/28.06.24
    ИАА "Информ-Экология"

    Министерство природных ресурсов Российской Федерации


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