Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№5, 2023


[RUS] / [ENG]
  • Section 1. Ecology
    • A.E. Pobilat, A.A. Kirichuk, O.V. Baranova. Comparative analysis of the elemental status of the indigenous population of the south of Central Siberia and Central Russia

    • E. N. Pilipko, A. S. Trapeznikov, N. A. Grebelkin, V. K. Demichev. Influence of some climatic factors on the living ground cover after continuous logging in the Vologda region

    • I.N. Makarov. The impact of accumulated damage objects on the environment in the Arctic territory of Yakutia: a case study of the tailing dump of the Deputatsky Mining and Processing Plant

    • S.Yu. Bobir. Experimental modelling of colonization processes of marble by microorganisms isolated from damaged marble monuments

    • M.V.Tyutynkova, Y.V. Leonova, S.D. Malakhova. Application of non-traditional fertilizers to reduce the accumulation of radio caesium in agricultural products

  • Section 2. Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry
    • A.A. Butorin, U.H. Akramov, N.V. Maksakovsky, R.Sh. Muratov, F.I. Rakhimov, M.Kh. Salimov. Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve – a new UNESCO World Heritage Site

    • A.S. Gurevitch. Decorative dendrocultures in landscape construction of coastal territories of the Baltic sea

    • V.P. Petrishchev, G.A. Ponomareva. Technogenic geosystems and formation of unique geological and geomorphological objects in the Southern Urals

    • G.N. Savvinov, P.P. Danilov, A.A. Petrov, S. I. Mironova, V.S. Boeskorov, I.V. Chenochov, Kh.V. Egorov. The degree of knowledge of soils in the Vilyui basin and prospects for their research

    • R.O. Kalov, R.S. Elmurzaev. Mountain cryosphere as a particularly sensitive geographical environment to climate change

    • V.A. Lobkovskiy, L.G. Lobkovskaya. Paleolandscapes of the Sukhumi coast in ancient and medieval times

  • Section 3. Economic, social, political and recreational geography
    • A.Yu.O. Abdulrahman, E.A. Ivantsova, A.V. Kholodenko. Prospects for the development of rural tourism as a current direction of tourism diversification in the Erbil province of Iraqi Kurdistan

  • Section 4. Geoecology
    • N. V. Kostyleva, N. L. Rachev. Analysis of statutory and legal documents regulating the handling and accounting of ozone-depleting substances in the study of a number of countries – parties to international agreements

    • R.V. Kaygorodov. Specific activity of technogenic radionuclides in different types of landscapes of the south of the Tyumen Region

    • O. A. Ustyuzhanina, L.A. Sokolova. On the study of the stability of the development of potatoes of the Udacha variety under different growing conditions


Дата последнего обновления: 13:39:01/28.06.24
ИАА "Информ-Экология"

Министерство природных ресурсов Российской Федерации


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