Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№1, 2021: Раздел 1. Экология

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[RUS] / [ENG]
Раздел 1. Экология
В. И. Капков, Е. В. Шошина, А. Н. Камнев. Сообщество макроводорослей открытой губы восточного побережья Баренцева моря

Ю. С. Горбунова, кандидат биологических наук, доцент, Воронежский государственный университет, [email protected],
Воронеж, Россия,
А. В. Белик, кандидат биологических наук, доцент, Воронежский государственный университет, [email protected],
Воронеж, Россия,
С. Н. Божко, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный университет, [email protected], Воронеж, Россия, Т. А. Девятова, доктор биологических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой экологии и земельных ресурсов, Воронежский государственный университет, [email protected], Воронеж, Россия

V. I. Kapkov, Ph.D. in Biology, Dr. Habil., Professor, Department of General Ecology and Hydrobiology, Faculty of Biology,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, [email protected], Moscow, Russia;
E. V. Shoshina, Ph.D. in Biology, Dr. Habil., Professor, Department of Biology, Murmansk State Technical University, Murmansk, Russia;
A. N. Kamnev, Ph.D. in Biology, Dr. Habil., Professor, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
Russia; Federal Research Center “Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas named after A. O. Kovalevsky”
Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia; Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia

Статья посвящена анализу агроэкологической динамики показателей поглотительной способности черноземов в генетически сопряженных и агрогенных рядах на протяжении 1980—2019 гг. Для профиля черноземов, расположенных на залежи, характерно уменьшение в содержании обменного кальция с глубиной на 28,3 %. Для аналогичных почв, расположенных на пашне 120 лет, изменения в содержании обменного кальция происходят в более узком диапазоне, в результате чего его содержание уменьшается с глубиной на 21,4 % из-за длительного сельскохозяйственного использования чернозема глубококвазиглееватого. В результате сельскохозяйственного освоения черноземов в лесостепной зоне наблюдается снижение в содержании суммы обменных оснований, незначительное увеличение гидролитической кислотности. Степень насыщенности почв основаниями наибольшая под пашнями 100 и 120 лет. Эти величины составляют 98,3 и 98,6 % соответственно.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the agroecological dynamics of the indicators of the absorption capacity of chernozems in genetically conjugated and agrogenic series during 1980-2019. The profile of the chernozems located on the deposits is characterized by a decrease in the content of exchangeable calcium with a depth of 28.3 %. For similar soils located on the arable land for 120 years, the changes in the content of exchangeable calcium occur in a narrower range, as a result of which its content decreases with depth by 21.4 % due to the long-term agricultural use of deep Calcic chernozem. As a result of the agricultural development of the chernozems in the forest-steppe zone, there is a decrease in the content of the amount of exchange bases, a slight increase in hydrolytic acidity. The degree of saturation of soils with bases is the greatest under arable land of 100 and 120 years. These values are 98.3 and 98.6 %, respectively.

Ключевые слова: черноземы, обменные катионы кальция и магния, гидролитическая кислотность; рН водной суспензии. Keywords: chernozems, exchange cations of calcium and magnesium, hydrolytic acidity; pH of an aqueous suspension.

Библиографический список
1. Шошина Е. В., Воскобойников Г. М., Макаров М. В., Завалко С. Е., Капков В. И. Макроводоросли в системе биологического мониторинга морских прибрежных экосистем // Вестник МГТУ. 2012. Т. 15. № 4. С. 851–857.
2. Шошина Е. В., Капков В. И. Экологические особенности промысловых фукусовых водорослей мурманского побережья Баренцева моря // Вестник МГТУ. 2014. Т. 17. № 1. С. 180-189.
3. Розенберг Г. С., Рянский Ф. Н. Теоретическая и прикладная экология / Нижневартовск: Изд-во Нижневарт. пед. ин-та, 2005. 292 с.
4. Твердислов В. А., Сидорова А. Э., Яковенко Л. В. Биофизическая экология / Москва: Изд-во КРАСАНД, 2012. 544 c.
5. Капков В. И., Шошина Е. В. Сообщества макроводорослей арктической зоны Баренцева моря и изменение климата // Вестник МГТУ, 2018. Т. 21. № 2. С. 228–236.
6. Капков В.И., Шошина Е.В., Беленикина О.А. Биоремедиация морских прибрежных экосистем: использование искусственных рифов//Вестник МГТУ, 2016. Т.19.  №1/2 С.286-295.
7} Малавенда С.В., Шошина Е.В., Капков В.И. Видовое разнообразие макроводорослей в различных районах Баренцева моря// Вестник МГТУ, 2017. Т.20. №2. С.336-351.
8.  Adey W. H, Lindstrom S. C., Hommersand M. H., Müller K. M. The biogeographyc origin of Arctic endemic seaweeds: a thermogeographic view. Journal of Phycology, 2008, N 44, iss. 6, pp. 1384–1394.
9. Cottindham K. L., Brown B. L., Lennon J. N. Biodiversity may regulate temporal variability of ecological systems. Ecology Letters, 2001, № 4, pp. 72–85.
10. Wang S., Loreau M. Biodiversity and ecosystem stability across scales in metacommunity. Ecology Letters, 2016, N 19, pp. 510–518.
11. Lamy T., Reed D., Rassweiler A., Siegl D., Rui L. Bell T., Simons R., Milltr R. Scale-specific divers of kelp forest communities. Oecologia, 2018, N 186, pp. 217–233.
12. Lüning K. Seaweeds, Their Environment, Biogeography and Ecophysiology. - John Wiley, New York, 1990. 527 p.
13. Adey W.H.,Hayek L.A. Elucidating marine biogeography with macrophytes quantitative analysis of the North Atlantic supports the thermogeographyc model and demonstrates a distinct Subarctic Region in theNorthwestern Atlantic// Northeast Nature, 2011,V.18.pp.1-128.
14. Rothman M. D., Mattio L., Andersen R. J., Bolton J. J. A phylogeographic investigation of the kelp genus Laminaria (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) with emphasis on the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Phycology, 2017, vol. 53, iss. 4, pp. 778–789.
15. Михайлова Т. А. Стадии образования сообществ ламинариевых на внесенном субстрате (Белое море) // Ботан. Журн. 2006.Т. 91. 12 С. 1816–1834.
16. Lehman C.L., Tilman D. Biodiversity, stability, and productivity in competitive communities. American Naturalist, 2000, N 56, pp. 534–552.
17. Gao X., Endo M., Nagaki M., Agatsuma Y. 2017. Interactive effects of nutrient availability and temperature on growth and survival of different size classes of Saccharina japonica (Laminarialts, Phaeophyceae). Phycologia, vol. 56, N 3, рр. 253–260.
18. Pedersen A., Kraemer G., Yarish C. Seaweed of the littoral zone at Cove Island in Long Island Sound: annual variation and impact of environmental factors. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2008, vol. 20, pp. 869–882.
19. Agrawal A. A. Phenotypic plasticity in the interaction and evolution of species. Science, 2011, N 294, pp. 321–326.
20. Garbary D.J., Kim K. Y. Anatomical differentiation and photosynthetic adaptation in brown algae. Algae, 2005, N 20, pp. 233–238.
21. Schmid M., Stengel D. B. Intra-thallus differentiation of fatty acid and pigment profiles in some temporate Fucales and Laminariales. Journal of Phycology, 2015, vol. 51, iss. 1, pp. 25–36.
22. Pehlke C., Bartsch I. Changes in depth distribution and biomass of sublittoral seaweeds at Helgoland (North Sea) between 1970 and 2005. Climate Research, 2008, N 37, pp. 135–147.
23. Fowler M. J., Wernberg T., Connell S. A. Differences in kelp morphology between wave sheltered and exposed localities: morphologically plastic or fixed traits. Marine Biology, 2006, vol. 148, iss. 4, pp. 755–767.
24. Wiencke C., Gomez I., Dunton K. Phenology and seasonal physiological performance of polar seaweeds. Botanica Marina, 2009, vol. 52, N 6, pp. 585–592. 
25. Brooker R., Maestre E., Callaway C., Lorttie C., Cavieres L., Kunstler G., Laincourt P., Tielborger K., Travis M., Anthelme F. Facilitation in plant communities the past, the present and future. Journal of Ecology, 2008, N 96, pp. 18–34.
26. Weslawski J. M., Wiktor J., Kotwiski L. Increase in biodiversity in the Arectic rocky littoral Sorkappland Svalbard after 20 years of climate warming. Marine Biodiversity, 2010, N 40, pp. 123–130.
27. Nielsen M. M. Paulino C., Neiva J., Krause-Jensen D., Bruhn A., Serrão E. A. Genetics diversity of Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) along a salinity gradient in North Sea–Baltic Sea transition zone. Journal of Phycology, 2016, vol. 52, iss.4, pp. 523–531.
28. Rothauser E., Sjoroos J., Heye K., Jormalainen V. Genetic variation in photosynthetic perfomans and tolerance to osmotic stress (dessication, freezing, hyposalinity) in the rocky littoral foundation species Fucus vesiculosus (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Journal. of Phycology, V.52, iss.5/ pp.877-887.
29. Lamy T.,Wang S., Renard D., Lafferty K. Reed D., Miller R. Species insurance trumps spatial insurance in stability biomass of marine macroalgae metacommunity. Ecology, 2019. N 100, iss. 7, p. 02719.

1. Shoshina E. V., Voskoboinikov G. M., Makarov M. V., Zavalko S. E., Kapkov V. I. Makrovodorosli v sisteme biologicheskogomonitoringa morskih pribrezhnyh ekosistem [Macroalgae in the biological monitoring of marine coastal ecosystems]. Vestnik of MSTU, 2012, Vol. 15. No. 4. P. 851—857 [in Russian].
2. Shoshina E. V., Kapkov V. I. Ekologicheskie osobennosti promyslovyh fukusovyh vodoroslej murmanskogo poberezh'yaBarenceva morya [Ecological features of harvesting fucoid algae of Murman coast of the Barents Sea]. Vestnik of MSTU, 2014. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 180—189 [in Russian].
3. Rosenberg G. S., Ryansky F. N. Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ekologiya [Theoretical and applied ecology]. Niznevartovsk,Publication of Niznevartovsk pedagogic institute, 2005, 292 p. [in Russian].
4. Tverdislov V. A., Sidorova A., Yakovenko L. V. Biofizicheskaya ekologiya [Biophysical ecology]. Moscow, Publ. KRASAND,2012, 544 p. [in Russian].
5. Kapkov V. I., Shoshina E. V. Soobshchestva makrovodoroslej arkticheskoj zony Barenceva morya i izmenenie klimata [Climatechange and phytobenthic communities of the Barents Sea arctic zone]. Vestnik of MSTU, 2018. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 228—236 [in Russian].
6. Kapkov V. I., Shoshina E. V., Belenikina O. A. Bioremediaciya morskih pribrezhnyh ekosistem: ispol'zovanie iskusstvennyh rifov[Bioremedianion of marine coastal ecosystems: using artificial reefs]. Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. Vol. 19, No. 1/2. P. 286—295 [in Russian].
7. Malavenda S. V., Shoshina E. V., Kapkov V. I. Vidovoe raznoobrazie makrovodoroslej v razlichnyh rajonah Barenceva morya[Species diversity of seaweeds in different areas of Barents Sea]. Vestnik of MSTU. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 336—351 [in Russian].
8. Adey W. H., Lindstrom S. C., Hommersand M. H., Müller K. M. The biogeographyc origin of Arctic endemic seaweeds: a thermogeographic view. Journal of Phycology, 2008. No. 44, Issue 6. P. 1384—1394.
9. Cottindham K. L., Brown B. L., Lennon J. N. Biodiversity may regulate temporal variability of ecological systems. Ecology Letters. 2001. No. 4. P. 72—85.
10. Wang S., Loreau M. Biodiversity and ecosystem stability across scales in metacommunity. Ecology Letters. 2016. No. 19.
P. 510—518.
11. Lamy T., Reed D., Rassweiler A., Siegl D., Rui L. Bell T., Simons R., Milltr R. Scale-specific divers of kelp forest communities. Oecologia. 2018. No. 186. P. 217—233.
12. Lüning K. Seaweeds, Their Environment, Biogeography and Ecophysiology. John Wiley, New York, 1990. 527 p.
13. Adey W. H., Hayek L. A. Elucidating marine biogeography with macrophytes quantitative analysis of the North Atlantic supports the thermogeographyc model and demonstrates a distinct Subarctic Region in the Northwestern Atlantic. Northeast Nature. 2011. Vol. 18. P. 1—128.
14. Rothman M. D., Mattio L., Andersen R. J., Bolton J. J. A phylogeographic investigation of the kelp genus Laminaria (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) with emphasis on the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Phycology, 2017. Vol. 53. Issue 4. P. 778—789. 15. Mikhaylova T. A. Stages of formation of laminarian communities on introduced substrata (the White Sea). Botanical journal. 2006. Vol. 91. No. 12. P. 1816—1834 [in Russian].
16. Lehman C. L., Tilman D. Biodiversity, stability, and productivity in competitive communities. American Naturalist. 2000. No. 56. P. 534—552.
17. Gao X., Endo M., Nagaki M., Agatsuma Y. 2017. Interactive effects of nutrient availability and temperature on growth andsurvival of different size classes of Saccharina japonica (Laminarialts, Phaeophyceae). Phycologia. Vol. 56. No. 3. P. 253—260.
18. Pedersen A., Kraemer G., Yarish C. Seaweed of the littoral zone at Cove Island in Long Island Sound: annual variation andimpact of environmental factors. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2008. Vol. 20. P. 869—882.
19. Agrawal A. A. Phenotypic plasticity in the interaction and evolution of species. Science. 2011. No. 294. P. 321—326.
20. Garbary D. J., Kim K. Y. Anatomical differentiation and photosynthetic adaptation in brown algae. Algae. 2005. No. 20.
P. 233—238.
21. Schmid M., Stengel D. B. Intra-thallus differentiation of fatty acid and pigment profiles in some temporate Fucales and Laminariales. Journal of Phycology. 2015. Vol. 51. Issue 1. P. 25—36.
22. Pehlke C., Bartsch I. Changes in depth distribution and biomass of sublittoral seaweeds at Helgoland (North Sea) between1970 and 2005. Climate Research. 2008. No. 37. P. 135—147.
23. Fowler M. J., Wernberg T., Connell S. A. Differences in kelp morphology between wave sheltered and exposed localities: morphologically plastic or fixed traits. Marine Biology. 2006. Vol. 148. Issue 4. P. 755—767.
24. Wiencke C., Gomez I., Dunton K. Phenology and seasonal physiological performance of polar seaweeds. Botanica Marina, 2009. Vol. 52. No. 6. P. 585—592.
25. Brooker R., Maestre E., Callaway C., Lorttie C., Cavieres L., Kunstler G., Laincourt P., Tielborger K., Travis M., Anthelme F. Facilitation in plant communities the past, the present and future. Journal of Ecology. 2008. No. 96. P. 18—34.
26. Weslawski J. M., Wiktor J., Kotwiski L. Increase in biodiversity in the Arectic rocky littoral Sorkappland Svalbard after20 years of climate warming. Marine Biodiversity. 2010. No. 40. P. 123—130.
27. Nielsen M. M., Paulino C., Neiva J., Krause-Jensen D., Bruhn A., Serrão E. A. Genetics diversity of Saccharina latissima
(Phaeophyceae) along a salinity gradient in North Sea—Baltic Sea transition zone. Journal of Phycology. 2016. Vol. 52. Issue 4. P. 523—531.
28. Rothauser E., Sjoroos J., Heye K., Jormalainen V. Genetic variation in photosynthetic perfomans and tolerance to osmoticstress (dessication, freezing, hyposalinity) in the rocky littoral foundation species Fucus vesiculosus (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Journal. of Phycology. Vol. 52. Issue 5. P. 877—887.
29. Lamy T., Wang S., Renard D., Lafferty K. Reed D., Miller R. Species insurance trumps spatial insurance in stability biomassof marine macroalgae metacommunity. Ecology. 2019. No. 100. Issue 7. P. 02719.

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