Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№5, 2023: Раздел 1. Экология

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[RUS] / [ENG]
Раздел 1. Экология
С.Ю. Бобир. Экспериментальное моделирование процессов колонизации мрамора микроорганизмами, выделенными с поврежденных мраморных памятников

С.Ю. Бобир, аспирант, Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена, [email protected], Санкт-Петербург, Россия
В статье представлены результаты экспериментов по моделированию процессов колонизации мрамора микроорганизмами в контролируемых (лабораторных) условиях. Подробно исследована и установлена динамика и скорость формирования биопленки в зависимости от сочетаний/состава микроорганизмов на каменной поверхности. На основании анализа собственных и литературных данных для модельных экспериментов подобраны сочетания микроорганизмов, которые с наибольшей вероятностью встречаются в естественных условиях (в изучение включено 10 сочетаний видов микроорганизмов). Описаны основные типы развития биопленок на поверхности мрамора. Выявлены сочетания микроорганизмов, при которых происходят процессы кристаллизации и охарактеризованы формирующиеся в биопленках кристаллы оксалата кальция.

The article presents the results of experiments on modeling the processes of marble colonization by microorganisms under controlled (laboratory) conditions. The dynamics and rate of biofilm formation depending on the combinations/composition of microorganisms on the stone surface have been studied and established in detail. Based on the analysis of accumulated data, the combinations of microorganisms for model experiments were selected (10 combinations of microorganism species were included in the study). They are most likely to occur in natural conditions. The main types of biofilms developed on the marble surface are described as a result of model experiments. The combinations of microorganisms in which crystallization processes occur were identified. Calcium oxalate crystals formed in biofilms were characterized.
Ключевые слова: экспериментальное моделирование, микромицеты, мрамор, колонизация, памятники, биообрастание, микробная биопленка
Keywords: modelling, micromycetes, marble, colonization, monuments, biofouling, microbial biofilm.

Библиографический список:
1. Warscheid T.; Braams J. Biodeterioration of stone: A review. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2000, Vol.46, P. 343–368.
2. Gorbushina A., Krumbein W. Subaerial microbial mats and their effects on soil and rock. Microbial Sediments, 2000. P. 161-170.
3. Viles, H.; Gorbushina, A. Soiling and microbial colonisation on urban roadside limestone: a three year study in Oxford, England. Build. Environ, 2003, Vol.38, P. 1217–1224.
4. Salvadori, O.; Municchia, A. The role of fungi and lichens in the biodeterioration of stone monuments. Open Conf. Proc. J, 2015, Vol.6 (1), P.70–82.
5. De Leo F., Urzi C. Microfungi from deteriorated materials of cultural heritage. Fungi from Different Substrates, 2015. P. 144-158.
6. Власов Д. Ю., Зеленская М.С., Франк-Каменецкая О. В. Микромицеты на мраморных памятниках музейных некрополей Александро-Невской Лавры. Микология и фитопатология, 2002. Т. 36 (3). С. 7-10.
7. Marvasi M., Donnarumma F., Frandi A. Black microcolonial fungi as deteriogens of two famous marble statues in Florence, Italy. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2012. Vol.68., P.36-44.
8. Martino P. What about biofilms on the surface of stone monuments? The open conference proceedings journal, 2016. P. 14–28.
9. Kemmling A., Kamper M., Flies C., Schieweck O., Hoppert M. Biofilms and extracellular matrices on geomaterials. Environmental Geology, 2004. Vol.46, P. 429–435.
10. Saarela M., Alakomi H.L., Suihko M.L., Maunuksela L., RAASKA L., Mattila-Sandholm T. Heterotrophic microorganisms in air and biofilm samples from Roman catacombs, with special emphasis on actinobacteria and fungi. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2004. Vol.54., P.27-37.
11. Sazanova K., Zelenskaya M., Vlasov A., Bobir S., Yakkonen K., Vlasov D. Microorganisms in Superficial Deposits on the Stone Monuments in Saint Petersburg. Microorganisms, 2022. P. 316.
12. Lombardozzi V., Castignano T., D’Antonio M., Casanova A., Caneva G. An interactive database for an ecological analysis of stone biopitting. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2012. Vol.73., P. 8–15.
13. Sazanova K., Frank-Kamenetskaya O., Vlasov D. YU., Zelenskaya M., Vlasov A.D., Rusakov A., Petrova M. Carbonate and Oxalate Crystallization by Interaction of Calcite Marble with Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus subtilis–Aspergillus niger Association. Crystals, 2020, Vol.10, P. 756.
14. Бобир С.Ю., Зеленская М.С., Власов Д.Ю., Нестеров Е.М. Мониторинг микобиоты каменных памятников музейных некрополей Санкт-Петербурга. Проблемы региональной экологии, 2019. С. 27–32.
15. Сазанова К.В., Зеленская М.С., Бобир С.Ю., Власов Д.Ю. Микромицеты в биопленках на каменных памятниках Санкт-Петербурга. Микология и фитопаталогия, 2020. С. 329–339.

Experimental modelling of colonization processes of marble by microorganisms isolated from damaged marble monuments
S.Yu. Bobir, Postgraduate, Herzen State Pedagogical University of
Russia, [email protected], Saint-Petersburg, Russia

1. Warscheid T.; Braams J. Biodeterioration of stone: A review. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2000, Vol.46, P. 343–368.
2. Gorbushina A., Krumbein W. Subaerial microbial mats and their effects on soil and rock. Microbial Sediments, 2000. P. 161-170.
3. Viles, H.; Gorbushina, A. Soiling and microbial colonisation on urban roadside limestone: a three year study in Oxford, England. Build. Environ, 2003, Vol.38, P. 1217–1224.
4. Salvadori, O.; Municchia, A. The role of fungi and lichens in the biodeterioration of stone monuments. Open Conf. Proc. J, 2015, Vol.6 (1), P.70–82.
5. De Leo F., Urzi C. Microfungi from deteriorated materials of cultural heritage. Fungi from Different Substrates, 2015. P. 144-158.
6. Vlasov D. YU., Zelenskaya M. S., Frank-Kamenetskaya O. V. Micromicety na mramornyh pamyatnikah muzeinyh nekropolei Aleksandro-Nevskoi Lavry. Micromycetes on marble monuments of AlexanderNevskaya lavra museum necropolis (St. Petersburg). Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2002. Vol. 36 (3). P. 7–10. (in Russian).
7. Marvasi M., Donnarumma F., Frandi A. Black microcolonial fungi as deteriogens of two famous marble statues in Florence, Italy. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2012. Vol.68., P.36-44.
8. Martino P. What about biofilms on the surface of stone monuments? The open conference proceedings journal, 2016. P. 14–28.
9. Kemmling A., Kamper M., Flies C., Schieweck O., Hoppert M. Biofilms and extracellular matrices on geomaterials. Environmental Geology, 2004. Vol.46, P. 429–435.
10. Saarela M., Alakomi H.L., Suihko M.L., Maunuksela L., RAASKA L., Mattila-Sandholm T. Heterotrophic microorganisms in air and biofilm samples from Roman catacombs, with special emphasis on actinobacteria and fungi. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2004. Vol.54., P.27-37.
11. Sazanova K., Zelenskaya M., Vlasov A., Bobir S., Yakkonen K., Vlasov D. Microorganisms in Superficial Deposits on the Stone Monuments in Saint Petersburg. Microorganisms, 2022. P. 316.
12. Lombardozzi V., Castignano T., D’Antonio M., Casanova A., Caneva G. An interactive database for an ecological analysis of stone biopitting. International Biodeterioration&Biodegradation, 2012. Vol.73., P. 8–15.
13. Sazanova K., Frank-Kamenetskaya O., Vlasov D. Yu., Zelenskaya M., Vlasov A.D., Rusakov A., Petrova M. Carbonate and Oxalate Crystallization by Interaction of Calcite Marble with Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus subtilis–Aspergillus niger Association. Crystals, 2020, Vol.10, P. 756.
14. Bobir S.IU., Zelenskaia M.S., Vlasov D.Iu., Nesterov E.M. Monitoring mikobioty kamennyh pamyatnikov muzeinyh nekropolei Sankt-Peterburga / Monitoring of mycobiota of stone monuments of museum necropolises in St. Petersburg. Problemy regionalnoi ekologii, 2019. P. 27–32. (in Russian).
15. Sazanova K.V., Zelenskaia M.S., Bobir S.Iu., Vlasov D.Iu. Mikromicety v bioplenkah na kamennyh pamyatnikah Sankt-Peterburga. [Micromycetes in biofilms on stone monuments of St. Petersburg]. Micologiia i fitopatalogiia, 2020. P. 329–339. (in Russian).

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