Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№4, 2020


[RUS] / [ENG]
  • Section 1. Ecology
    • G.G. Kozlova, A.R. Makhmutov, S.A. Onina, V. G. Kozlov, D.R. Khabibullina. The determination of selenium and its antagonists in some bee products

    • T.A. Zubkova,  N.V. Popova, Yu.P. Bondarev. Ecological state of rice agrocenoses soils in the Krasnodar region on the content of heavy metals

    • I. V. Kravchenko, L.F. Shepeleva. Specifics of lead, zinc and copper accumulation in cowberry leaves

    • V.V. Maksimova, Е.А. Krasavtseva. Study of the mining waste impact on the growth and development of higher plants in the Murmansk Region

    • V.P.Meshcheriakov, T. N. Pimkina, E.V.Ermoshina, O. G. Vakhramova. Cows to give milk during robotic milking to obtain ecologically safe milk

    • N.N.  Kharchenko, E.N.  Pilipko, M.S. Venkova. Dynamics of some physical and chemical characteristics of soils under the influence of logging activities in different biogeocenoses within the Vologda Region

  • Section 2. Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry
    • O.V. Kaidanova, S.B. Suslova, T. M. Kuderina, I. V. Zamotaev, A.V. Kudikov. Geochemical monitoring of forest-steppe landscapes of the Kursk biosphere station

    • V.V.Zuev, N.E.Zueva, V. A.Uymanova. The role of synchronous observations in the hydrological regime monitoring in the case study of the Mayma River Basin (the Altai Mountains)

    • V.A.Lobkovskiy, G.S. Kust, O.V. Andreeva. Methodological approaches to estimating the time interval for establishing a baseline for comparative assessment of land degradation dynamics

    • V.T. Starozhilov. The landscape of the Sikhote-Alin region (structure) Pacific Russia and planning for its development

  • Section 3. Economic, social, political and recreational geography
    • I.N. Alferov, A.Ya. Gaev, I.V. Kudelina. On Ecological and Economic Aspects of Water Management Planning in the Ural River Basin

    • N. V.Yakovenko, E.M.Shirokova. Branding of the area of the Oryol region due to its historical and cultural heritage

    • R.А. Khalelova, I.J. Kaliouzhnaya, E.I. Golubeva. The balneological properties of peloids of salt lakes (Bolshoy Sor lake and Sorkol lake) in West Kazakhstan

    • D. L. Lopatnikov, V.A. Gorbanyov. China on the way to "green civilization": first results

  • Section 4. Geoecology
    • A.A. Tikhonova, E.A. Ivantsova. Features of the organization of monitoring of heavy metals in the soil cover of the urban environment (on the example of Volgograd)

    • V.A.Shcherba, A.V.Mazaev, D.V.Udalaya, E.A.Abramova, E.Yu.Savushkina. Geoecological problems of oil and gas industry waste disposal in the far North of Russia

    • I.S. Istomin. Regional sharing of GHG emission reduction commitments in Kazakhstan to achieve the goals in the Paris Climate Agreement

    • N.V. Kaverina. Transformation of urban soils under the influence of technogenic influences

    • Yu.A. Prokhorov, A.D. Molodyk, I.N. Lykov, I.V. Manshina, R.R. Shoshina. The system of regional monitoring of surface water bodies in the Kaluga Region

    • E.V. Nadezhdkina, O.V. Tushavina, A.E. Sorokin, P.V. Pichuzhkin. Enhancement of the environmental education system: a case study of the MAI (National Research University)


Дата последнего обновления: 14:44:35/04.01.25
ИАА "Информ-Экология"

Министерство природных ресурсов Российской Федерации


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