Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№6, 2021


[RUS] / [ENG]
  • Section 1. Ecology
    • T.A. Boyko, S.Y. Berdinskikh,  O.V. Kharitonova. Composition and sanitary condition of plantings of the specially protected natural territory “Levshinskoe”

    • A.N.Gallyamov, M.V.Cherepanov, E.A. Pichugin, B.E.Shenfeld. Justification of the need for unification of names and codes of pollutants contained in discharges of objects of adverse impact on the environment

  • Section 2. Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry
    • G.A. Fomenko, M.A. Fomenko, A.V. Mikhailova, E.A. Arabova, K.S. Ilyina. Climate agenda of agriculture of yaroslavl region

    • I.V. Denisova. The issue of ensuring environmental safety in the territory of the European North-East of the Russian Federation

    • O.G. Karabaeva, N.N. Golchikova. Physical and geographical zoning of the territory of the Western ilmen-hillock area using correlation analysis

    • K. L. Nikitchuk, Yu. А. Haziakhmetova. Consequences of anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment of the Tomsk region

    • V.T. Starozhilov. Actual new passportization concept landscapes of Russia

    • I.N. Alferov, A.Ya. Gaev, A.V. Klimshin. On the interrelation of water and demographic issues

  • Section 3. Economic, social, political and recreational geography
    • O.N.Tolstykh, B.I. Kochurov. Ethnogeosystem and the process of nature management: aspect of interaction

    • A.L. Novoselov, D.A. Maksimov. Modelling the development of a mining region taking into account the realization of logistics potential

    • I.S.Sergeev, V.M.Manusov. The impact of the geographical position on the formation of the illicit drug industry of the Russian Federation

    • A.A. Saburina. Socio-economic development of rural areas in the southeast of the Kaliningrad region

  • Section 4. Geoecology
    • B.I. Kochurov, I.P. Kapitalchuk, G.V. Zibrov, V.P. Zakusilov, N. Ya. Mokshina. Predictive capabilities of the descriptive geo-ecosystem model for geo-ecological optimization of the territory

    • A.R. Pogorelov. Territorial differences of the population morbidity in Kamchatka Region by the class of diseases of the respiratory system

    • A.Yu. Tokareva, G. S. Alimova. The impact of the depth of installation of NK-32 storage chambers on the radon flux density

    • V.A. Shchepetova, D. A. Tyurina. Improvement of air protection measures in the case study of the Sugar Plant of the Penza Region

    • N.V. Kostyleva, M.S. Dyakov, K.R. Kvartskhava. Comparative analysis of approaches to calculating atmospheric emissions from individual heat generators

    • E.A Pichugin, M.V. Cherepanov, E.V. Simakova, B.E. Shenfeld. Current issues of identification, accounting, categorization and elimination of the objects of accumulated environmental harm

    • G. V. Trebeleva, A. S. Kizilov, D. N. Markov, K. A. Glazov, G.Yu.Yurkov. Geoinformation system of Late Antique and Medieval temples of Greater Sochi in the context of the problem of preservation of historical and cultural heritage and research of historical and cultural landscape


Дата последнего обновления: 22:01:17/20.10.24
ИАА "Информ-Экология"

Министерство природных ресурсов Российской Федерации


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