Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№1, 2021


[RUS] / [ENG]
    • L. I. Domracheva, A. I. Fokina, S. G. Skugoreva, T. Ya. Ashikhmina Two sides of soil fungi of the genus Fusarium and their metabolites: danger to biota and the possibility of use in biotechnology (review)

    • A. A. Semenov, A. G. Enikeev, T. A. Babenko, T. N. Shafikova, A. G. Gorshkov Phthalates – a strange delusion of ecologists

    • N. V. Syrchina, Т. Ya. Ashikhmina, G. Ya. Kantor Obtaining inorganic pigments from galvanic waste

    • А. V. Salnikov The effectiveness of oil gathering devices in ice conditions and methods for its increase

    • B. A. Ananchenko, S. G. Litvinets, E. A. Martinson, A. V. Nikolaeva, M. A. Troshin Laboratory methods for assessing the effectiveness of dispersants used in various countries for oil spill response in offshore conditions

    • S. A. Dubrovskaya, R. V. Ryakhov Cartographic modeling of the Russian steppe-zone urban landscapes with the use of neural networks

    • B. I. Kochurov, R. F. Malikov, A. R. Iskhakov, G. T.-G. Turikeshev, A. R. Usmanova, E. B. Kratynskaya The study of Lake Aslykul (Southern Cis-Ural) area dynamics by processing the satellite images on the basis of the algebraic approach

    • A. R. Pirali Zefrehei, M. Fallah, A. Hedayati Applying remote sensing techniques to changes of water body and aquatic plants in Anzali International Wetland (1985–2018)

    • M. A. Shumilova, V. G. Petrov Zinc ion adsorption by soils of the Republic of Udmurtia

    • V. M. Ryabov, Т. Ya. Аshikhmina Faunistic characteristics and monitoring of vertebrates on the territory of the State Nature Reserve “Bylina”

    • I. V. Agarkova-Lyakh, A. M. Lyakh Anthropogenic transformation of the landscapes of Southwestern Crimea in the vicinity of Balaklava for the period from 1836 to 2017

    • V. V. Tuzhilkina Effect of aerotechnogenic impact of pulp and paper production on the pigment complex of Scots pine

    • R. E. Avalyan, E. A. Aghajanyan, A. L. Atoyants, R. M. Aroutiounian Bioassay of water from urban river systems of Armenia using model test system

    • T. Ya. Ashikhmina, S. G. Skugoreva, T. A. Adamovich, E. V. Tovstik Assessment of the state of surface water bodies in the area of the landfill for pesticides

    • V. N. Tarasova, V. I. Androsova, V. V. Gorshkov, R. V. Ignatenko, I. Yu. Bakkal, R. O. Obabko Study of lichen recovery after catastrophic disturbances in boreal forests: methodological aspects and evaluated characteristics

    • Z. Sh. Shamsudinov, E. Z. Shamsutdinova, V. N. Nidyulin, N. Z. Shamsutdinov, V. V. Sanzheev, A. A. Chamidov The biological and ecological basics of Kochia prostrata introduction to culture in the Northwest Circum-Caspian semi-desert zone

    • N. N. Bondarenko, Е. М. Lapteva Changes in the amino acid composition of humic substances of podzolic soils during forest regeneration after harvest cutting

    • A. V. Kozlov, A. H. Kulikova, I. P. Uromova, R. I. Rumyantsev Effects of humus compounds stabilization by influence of bentonite rock as criteria for environmental sustainability of sod-podsolic soil agroecosystems

    • E. V. Dabakh, A. P. Kislitsina, Е. А. Domnina Comparative study of the content of trace elements in the system soil – plants of meadow biocenoses

    • V. V. Kriauciunas, I. A. Kuznetsova, S. A. Iglovsky, A. V. Bazhenov, S. V. Druzhinin, E. I. Kotova Spatial distribution of natural and technogenic radionuclides in arctic soils of the Moller gulf, Novaya Zemlya archipelago

    • O. V. Shopina, N. G. Kadetov, I. N. Semenkov Microelemental composition of fluvioglacial sands as a factor of increased phytodiversity in the polissya landscapes

    • E. S. Novoselova, L. N. Shikhova, E. M. Lisitsyn Heavy metal content in wild plants on worked-out peatlands

    • N. N. Roeva, O. A. Orlovskaya, S. S. Voronich, D. А. Zaytsev Creation of scheme of separation chemical forms of cadmium in surface water

    • I. G. Shirokikh, Ya. I. Nazarova, A. V. Bakulina, R. I. Abubakirova New Streptomyces strains as promising biofungicides

    • A. V. Sazanov, E. V. Tovstik, V. A. Kozvonin, А. А. Каzakova Assessment of the bioavailability of chelated zinc in various soil types

    • O. M. Plotnikova, A. V. Sharov Mouse-modeled change in the toxicity of manganese(II) ions when using activated carbons

    • A. A. Samkov, N. N. Volchenko, А. A. Khudokormov, S. M. Samkova, E. V. Karaseva Optimization of the conditions of microbial cells immobilization for the creation of hydrocarbons-degrading biopreparations

    • I. Yu. Shlekova, A. I. Knysh Improving the efficiency of aerobic biological treatment of oily wastewater

    • G. V. Kondakova, D. A. Stupin Features of the distribution of epiphytic lichens in the urban conditions

    • V. А. Lukyanov, S. Yu. Gorbunova, I. V. Gribovskaya Comparative evaluation of biochemical composition of microalgae biomass Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus оbliquus

    • I. N. Yuraneva, V. G. Zainullin Dynamics of disgenic sterility of the offspring from the Drosophila populations chronically exposed to low doses irradiation

    • V. V. Volodin, V. I. Vetosheva, S. O. Volodina Correction of adaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system using the ecdysteroid-containing remedy Adasten during intensive physical work in the North

    • A. A. Shirokikh Notes of photo-hunter


Дата последнего обновления: 22:01:17/20.10.24
ИАА "Информ-Экология"

Министерство природных ресурсов Российской Федерации


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