Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№3, 2022


[RUS] / [ENG]
    • T. K. Sheshegova, L. M. Shchekleina Phytopathogenic biota in the conditions of climate warming (review)

    • L. I. Domracheva, S. G. Skugoreva, A. L. Kovina, A. I. Korotkikh, P. A. Starikov, T. Ya. Ashikhmina Specificity of plant-microbial complexes  under anthropogenic soil pollution (review)

    • V. A. Belyy, I. M. Kuzivanov, I. V. Fedorova, E. U. Ipatova, I. Yu. Chukicheva, A. V. Kuchin Photoprotection properties of terpenophenols in polylactide against UVC radiation

    • A. I. Fokina, E. G. Fominykh, K. I. Yuzhanin Electrochemical methods  for the determination of ascorbic acid in biologically active additives

    • E. V. Kosheleva, L. A. Kalinina, Yu. N. Ushakova, B. A. Ananchenko Сomparative evaluation of the prospects of using sulfide-conducting solid electrolytes in the composition of sensors for hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide

    • S. V. Degteva, Yu. A. Dubrovskiy, M. V. Dulin, G. V. Zheleznova, V. A. Kanev, D. V. Kirillov, D. A. Kosolapov, D. I. Kudreavtzeva, M. A. Palamarchuk, T. N. Pystina, N. A. Semenova, T. P. Shubina Rare species of plants and fungi  in the “Koigorodskiy” National Park (Komi Republic, Russia)

    • S. Llerena, G. Toasa, A. I. Kurbatova NDVI – alpha diversity relationship in tropical montane cloud forest of Ecuador

    • L. V. Chernaya, L. A. Kovalchuk, N. V. Mikshevich Features of bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of the great false horse leech Haemopis sanguisuga L. in aquatic ecosystems of the Urals

    • N. N. Kamardin, S. V. Kholodkevich, V. M. Makeeva Monitoring of parks in the coastal zone of the Neva bay with the snail Arianta arbustorum

    • Е. А. Domnina, T. А. Adamovich, A. S. Timonov, T. Ya. Ashikhmina Monitoring of overgrowing of abandoned agricultural lands using high-resolution satellite images

    • V. I. Poletaeva, M. V. Pastukhov Technogenic impact of wastewater on the hydrochemical composition of the Angara River

    • A. N. Eirikh, T. G. Serykh, E. A. Ovcharenko, D. P. Podchufarova, A. V. Kotovschikov Chemical composition of the surface water in the Ob River

    • Т. I. Kutyavina, I. A. Vartan, E. V. Shemyakina, V. V. Timina Hydrochemical conditions for the formation of wetland ecosystems in the Bylina State Nature Reserve

    • E. A. Gornostaeva, G. I. Berezin, E. V. Dabakh Heavy metals in snow cover and urban soils

    • E. V. Fedoseeva, A. P. Kiryushina, D. I. Stom, V. A. Terekhova Resistance of soil micromycetes Trichoderma viride and Alternaria alternata to heavy metals Cu and Pb

    • N. P. Кhrunina, A. Yu. Cheban Reduction of technogenic geochemical fluxes  during the operation of a polymineral deposit in the Far Eastern Region

    • R. Berdja, L. Lamari, N. Bouras, M. D. Holtz Host by strain association study of rhizospheric actinobacteria on two Algerian date palm cultivars ...135 I. D. Svistova, N. N. Nazarenko Ecological trend of succession  in mycobiome of the old botanical garden chernozem

    • I. D. Svistova, N. N. Nazarenko Ecological trend of succession  in mycobiome of the old botanical garden chernozem

    • I. V. Novakovskaya, E. N. Patova, E. G. Makeeva Snow algae and cyanobacteria in several regions of the Urals and the Western Sayan

    • V. A. Kovaleva, S. V. Deneva, Yu. A. Vinogradova, A. N. Panjukov, E. M. Lapteva The influence of landscape conditions on the functioning of microbial communities of postagrogenic soils of the tundra zone

    • N. Y. Egorova, V. N. Suleymanova, E. V. Ryabova Ecological and demographic characteristics of Cypripedium calceolus L. coenopopulations in the Kirov region

    • N. S. Korytin, V. V. Shiryaev Survival and reproductive value of different cohorts in the muskrat population (Ondatra zibethicus L.)

    • E. M. Luchnikova, V. B. Ilyashenko, A. V. Kovalevskiy, S. I. Gashkov, L. A. Voronina, K. S. Zubko, A. V. Filippova Influence of various methods of forest reclamation on the restoration of the community of mammals in the dark coniferous taiga forests

    • A. Ya. Grigoryevskaya, Yu. S. Gorbunova, Т. А. Deviatova Phyto-diversity as an indicator of the restoration of the Pinus sylvestris L. formation of the Usman forest after a forest fire

    • L. V. Pilip, N. V. Syrchina, V. A. Kozvonin, E. P. Kolevatykh, T. Ya. Ashikhmina, A. V. Sazanov Biological contamination of arable land with pig waste

    • T. K. Sheshegova, I. N. Shchennikova, L. M. Shchekleina, S. A. Emelev, M. V. Cheremisinov, N. A. Zhilin Bioecological and immunological assessment of grain and plants of Hordeum vulgare L. in the conditions of the Kirov region

    • A. V. Bakulina, D. V. Popyvanov, A. V. Kharina Study of the properties of local isolates of Parastagonospora nodorum

    • N. V. Syrchina, L. V. Pilip, T. Ya. Ashikhmina Сhemical land degradation under the influence of animal husbandry waste .

    • S. V. Zagirova, J. F. Mikhailov Seasonal variation of concentration and net CO2 exchange in the spruce forest ecosystem of the middle taiga

    • A. V. Minkina, S. A. Dvinskikh, T. V. Zueva An approach to the development of an integral index of ecological well-being of the territory

    • VIII Congress of the Society of Soil Scientists named after V. V. Dokuchaev


Дата последнего обновления: 14:44:35/04.01.25
ИАА "Информ-Экология"

Министерство природных ресурсов Российской Федерации


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