Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№3, 2020: Раздел 1. Биология

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Раздел 1. Биология
И.А. Вершинина,  С.В. Лебедев Адаптационно-приспособительные реакции eisenia fetida при внесении наночастиц цинка в почву
Стр. 6-13

УДК 574.24
И.А. Вершинина, младший научный сотрудник, Федеральный научный центр Биологических систем и Агротехнологий РАН, [email protected], Оренбург, Россия 
С.В. Лебедев, доктор биологических наук, заведующий лабораторией, Федеральный научный центр Биологических систем и Агротехнологий РАН, [email protected], г. Оренбург, Россия

I.A. Vershinina, Junior Researcher, Federal Scientific Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, [email protected], Orenburg, Russia
  S.V. Lebedev, Dr. (Biology), Professor
Department of Biotechnology of Animal Raw Materials and Aquaculture, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
Orenburg State University, Federal Scientific Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, [email protected], Orenburg, Russia

Аннотация. Целью нашей работы стало исследование ответных реакций червей Eisenia fetida на внесение наночастиц цинка в почву. Было показано, что масса E. fetida снизилась на 14 сутки культивирования с НЧ Zn на 8,9% (р≤0,05) при дозе 250 мг/кг. Выживаемость червей составила от 80 % до 95%. Содержание белка в организме червей увеличивалось на 51,61 % (р≤0,05) (50 мг/кг), и уменьшалась на 41-45 % (р≤0,05) по сравнению с контролем на 14 сутки (250-1000 мг/кг). Введение НЧ Zn сопровождалось возникновением окислительного стресса на 14 сутки. Активность СОД при дозе 50-100 мг/кг на 14 сутки была выше контроля, и с увеличением концентрации НЧ Zn снизился на 12,3 % (р≤0,05).  Активность каталазы была ниже контроля во всем диапазоне концентраций. Накопление малонового альдегида происходило как при низких (50 мг/кг) так и при высоких (1000 мг/кг) концентрациях. Преимущественно концентрации 50-500 мг/кг НЧ Zn снижали в кишечнике червя численность аммонифицирующих и микроорганизмов, утилизирующих минеральные формы азота, бактерий рода Azotobacter и олиготрофов, а концентрации 1000 мг/кг оказывали слабый стимулирующий эффект. Наиболее чувствительными к действию НЧ оказались микроскопические грибы, чья численность уменьшилась на 60-90 % (р≤0,05), по сравнению с контролем. В почве наблюдали схожую картину, при этом концентрации 50-100 мг/кг НЧ Zn увеличивали численность целлюлозоразрушающих микроорганизмов. Данные, полученные в ходе исследования, свидетельствуют об угнетении антиоксидантной системы E. fetida, развитии окислительного стресса и угнетения микрофлоры кишечника, что говорит о неблагоприятном действии НЧ Zn на почвенные организмы в концентрации свыше 250 мг/кг.

Abstract. The aim of the work was to study the response of Eisenia fetida worms to the introduction of zinc nanoparticles into the soil. It was shown that the weight of E. fetida decreased on the 14th day of cultivation with Zn NPs by 8,9% (p≤0,05) at a dose of 250 mg/kg. The worm survival rate ranged from 80% to 95%. The protein content in the body of worms increased by 51,61%  (р≤0,05) (at a dose of NPs of 50 mg/kg), and decreased by 41-45% (р≤0,05) compared to the control on day 14 (at a dose of NPs of 250-1000 mg/kg). Introduction of Zn NPs was accompanied by the onset of oxidative stress on the 14th day. The SOD activity at a dose of 50-100 mg/kg on day 14 was higher than the control, and with an increase in the concentration of Zn NPs it decreased by 12,3%. (р≤0,05) Catalase activity was below the control over the entire concentration range. The accumulation of malonic aldehyde occurred both at low (50 mg/kg) and high (1000 mg/kg) concentrations. Mainly, concentrations of 50-500 mg/kg of Zn NPs reduced the number of ammonifying and microorganisms utilizing mineral forms of nitrogen, bacteria of the genus Azotobacter and oligotrophs in the intestine of the worm, while concentrations of 1000 mg/kg had a weak stimulating effect. The most sensitive to the action of NPs were microscopic fungi, whose number decreased by 60-90% (р≤0,05) compared to the control. A similar picture was observed in the soil, with the concentration of 50-100 mg/kg Zn NPs stimulating the growth of the number of cellulose-degrading microorganisms. The data obtained in the course of the study, therefore, indicate the suppression of the antioxidant system of E. fetida, the development of oxidative stress and suppression of the intestinal microflora, which indicates the unfavorable effect of Zn NPs on soil organisms.
Ключевые слова: наночастицы, цинк, Eisenia fetida, антиоксидантные ферменты, микроорганизмы
Key words: nanoparticles, zinc, Eisenia fetida, antioxidant enzymes, microorganisms

Библиографический список
1. Rizwan M., Ali S., Qayyum M. F., Ok Y. S., Adrees M., Ibrahim M., Abbas F.  Effect of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on growth and physiology of globally important food crops: a critical review // Journal of hazardous materials. -  2017. -  Vol. 322. -  С. 2 - 16.
2. Lebedev S. V., Gavrish I. A., Galaktionova L. V., Korotkova A. M., Sizova E. A. Assessment of the toxicity of silicon nanooxide in relation to various components of the agroecosystem under the conditions of the model experiment // Environmental geochemistry and health. -  2019. -  Vol. 41. -  No. 2.  - С. 769-782.
3. Yausheva E. V., Sizova E. A., Gavrish I. A., Lebedev S. V., Kayumov F.G. Effect of Al2O3 nanoparticles on soil microbiocenosis, antioxidant status and intestinal microflora of red Californian worm (Eisenia foetida) // Agricultural Biology. - 2017. -  Vol. 52. -  No. 1. -  С. 191-199.
4. Ruttkay - Nedecky B., Krystofova O., Nejdl L., Adam V. Nanoparticles based on essential metals and their phytotoxicity // Journal of Nanobiotechnology. - 2017.  - Vol. 15. - No 1. -  P. 33.
5. Zuverza-mena N., Martinez - Fernandez D., Du W., Hernandez - Viezcas J. A., Bonilla-Bird N., Lopez-Moreno M. L., Gardea-Torresdey J. L.  Exposure of engineered nanomaterials to plants: Insights into the physiological and biochemical responses-A review // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. -  2017. -  Vol. 110. -  С. 236 - 264.
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7. Diez ‐ Ortiz M., Lahive E., Kille P., Powell K., Morgan A. J., Jurkschat K., Spurgeon D. J. Uptake routes and toxicokinetics of silver nanoparticles and silver ions in the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus // Environmental toxicology and chemistry. -  2015. -  Vol. 34. -  No. 10. -  С. 2263-2270.
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16. Makama S., Piella J., Undas A., Dimmers W. J., Peters R., Puntes V. F., Van Den Brink N. W. Properties of silver nanoparticles influencing their uptake in and toxicity to the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus following exposure in soil // Environmental pollution. -  2016. -  Vol. 218. -  С. 870-878.
17. Dimkpa C. O., Singh U., Bindraban P. S., Elmer W. H., Gardea-Torresdey J. L., White J. C. Zinc oxide nanoparticles alleviate drought-induced alterations in sorghum performance, nutrient acquisition, and grain fortification. Science of the Total Environment. - 2019.  - Vol. 688.  -  С. 926-934.
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20. Antisari L. V., Carbone S., Gatti A., Vianello G., Nannipieri P. Uptake and translocation of metals and nutrients in tomato grown in soil polluted with metal oxide (CeO2, Fe3O4, SnO2, TiO2) or metallic (Ag, Co, Ni) engineered nanoparticles // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. -  2015. -  Vol. 22. -  No. 3.  - C. 1841-1853.
21. Yirsaw B. D., Megharaj M., Chen Z., Naidu R. Environmental application and ecological significance of nano-zero valent iron // Journal of Environmental Sciences. -  2016. -  Vol. 44. -  C. 88-98.

1. Rizwan M., Ali S., Qayyum M. F., Ok Y. S., Adrees M., Ibrahim M., Abbas F.  Effect of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on growth and physiology of globally important food crops: a critical review // Journal of hazardous materials. -  2017. -  Vol. 322. -  Р. 2 - 16.
2. Lebedev S. V., Gavrish I. A., Galaktionova L. V., Korotkova A. M., Sizova E. A. Assessment of the toxicity of silicon nanooxide in relation to various components of the agroecosystem under the conditions of the model experiment // Environmental geochemistry and health. -  2019. -  Vol. 41. -  No. 2.  - P. 769-782.
3. Yausheva E. V., Sizova E. A., Gavrish I. A., Lebedev S. V., Kayumov F.G. Effect of Al2O3 nanoparticles on soil microbiocenosis, antioxidant status and intestinal microflora of red Californian worm (Eisenia foetida) // Agricultural Biology. - 2017. -  Vol. 52. -  No. 1. -  P. 191-199.
4. Ruttkay - Nedecky B., Krystofova O., Nejdl L., Adam V. Nanoparticles based on essential metals and their phytotoxicity // Journal of Nanobiotechnology. - 2017.  - Vol. 15. - No 1. -  P. 33.
5. Zuverza-mena N., Martinez - Fernandez D., Du W., Hernandez - Viezcas J. A., Bonilla-Bird N., Lopez-Moreno M. L., Gardea-Torresdey J. L.  Exposure of engineered nanomaterials to plants: Insights into the physiological and biochemical responses-A review // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. -  2017. -  Vol. 110. -  P. 236 - 264.
6. Jośko I., Oleszczuk P., Skwarek E. The bioavailability and toxicity of ZnO and Ni nanoparticles and their bulk counterparts in different sediments // Journal of Soils and Sediments. - 2016. -  Vol. 16. -  No. 6. - P. 1798-1808.
7. Diez ‐ Ortiz M., Lahive E., Kille P., Powell K., Morgan A. J., Jurkschat K., Spurgeon D. J. Uptake routes and toxicokinetics of silver nanoparticles and silver ions in the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus // Environmental toxicology and chemistry. -  2015. -  Vol. 34. -  No. 10. -  P. 2263-2270.
8. Bourdineaud J. P., Štambuk A., Šrut M., Radić Brkanac S., Ivanković D., Lisjak D., Klobučar G. I. Gold and silver nanoparticles effects to the earthworm Eisenia fetida–the importance of tissue over soil concentrations // Drug and chemical toxicology. -  2019. -  P. 1 – 18. doi/full/10.1080/01480545.2019.1567757.
9. Terehova V. A., Gladkova M. M. Inzhenernye nanomaterialy v pochve: problemy ocenki ih vozdejstviya na zhivye organizmy [Engineering nanomaterials in soil: problems of assessing their impact on living organisms] // Pochvovedenie. - 2014. -  No.1. – P. 82 – 82 (in Russian).
10. Morgan J. E., Morgan A. J. The accumulation of metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ca) by two ecologically contrasting earthworm species (Lumbricus rubellus and Aporrectodea caliginosa): implications for ecotoxicological testing // Applied Soil Ecology. -  1999. -  Vol. 13. -  No. 1. -  P. 9-20.
11. Žaltauskaitė J.,  Sodienė I. Effects of total cadmium and lead concentrations in soil on the growth, reproduction and survival of earthworm Eisenia fetida // Ekologij. -  2010. -  Vol. 56. -  No. 1-2.  - P. 10-16.
12. García - Gómez C., Babín M., García S., Almendros P., Pérez R. A., Fernández M. D. Joint effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles and chlorpyrifos on the reproduction and cellular stress responses of the earthworm Eisenia Andrei // Science of the total environment. -  2019. -  Vol. 688.  - Р. 199-207.
13. Reznichenko I.S. Sravnitelnyj analiz metodik ochisheniya pishevaritelnoj sistemy dozhdevyh chervej dlya ekotoksikologicheskih issledovanij na Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) [Comparative analysis of methods for cleansing the digestive system of earthworms for ecotoxicological studies on Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826)] // Fundamentalnye issledovaniya. -  2013. -  No 6-5. -  P. 1156-1159 (in Russian).
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15. Choudhury S. R., Ghosh M., Goswami A. Inhibitory effects of sulfur nanoparticles on membrane lipids of Aspergillus niger: a novel route of fungistasis // Current microbiology. - 2012. -  Vol. 65. -  No. 1. -  P. 91-97.
16. Makama S., Piella J., Undas A., Dimmers W. J., Peters R., Puntes V. F., Van Den Brink N. W. Properties of silver nanoparticles influencing their uptake in and toxicity to the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus following exposure in soil // Environmental pollution. -  2016. -  Vol. 218. -  P. 870-878.
17. Dimkpa C. O., Singh U., Bindraban P. S., Elmer W. H., Gardea-Torresdey J. L., White J. C. Zinc oxide nanoparticles alleviate drought-induced alterations in sorghum performance, nutrient acquisition, and grain fortification. Science of the Total Environment. - 2019.  - Vol. 688.  -  P. 926-934.
18. Sun J., Li Y.S., Liang H.Y. Al3+ uptake in earthworm and its influence on growth of earthworm // Journal of  Toxicology. - 2008. -  No. 22.  - Р. 452–454.
19. Renwick L. C., Brown D., Clouter A., Donaldson K.  Increased inflammation and altered macrophage chemotactic responses caused by two ultrafine particle types //  Occupational and Environmental Medicine. -  2004.  - Vol. 61. -  No. 5.  - P. 442-447.
20. Antisari L. V., Carbone S., Gatti A., Vianello G., Nannipieri P. Uptake and translocation of metals and nutrients in tomato grown in soil polluted with metal oxide (CeO2, Fe3O4, SnO2, TiO2) or metallic (Ag, Co, Ni) engineered nanoparticles // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. -  2015. -  Vol. 22. -  No. 3.  - P. 1841-1853.
21. Yirsaw B. D., Megharaj M., Chen Z., Naidu R. Environmental application and ecological significance of nano-zero valent iron // Journal of Environmental Sciences. -  2016. -  Vol. 44. -  P. 88-98.

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