Эконовости О компании Издания и
Авторам Реклама Подписка Контакты Архив Полезные
№2, 2019


[RUS] / [ENG]

Сборник аннотаций. Журнал "Проблемы региональной экологии" №2, 2019

(включает: ключевые слова, информацию об авторах, пристатейный библиографический список)

  • Section 1. Ecology
    • N. H. Nghia, L. A. Zenitova, L. Q. Dien. Integrated processing of waste from rice production with the simultaneous production of silicon dioxide, lignin and cellulose

    • I.N. Lykov, N. B. Loboda. Ecological and medical-biological significance of landscape and relief

    • M. V. Baumgertner. Lichens of the cities in the south of the Kuzbass

    • G.T. Talaibekova, K. A. Kozhobaev, J. K. Tokpaieva, G. K. Esenzhanova, N. E. Totubaeva. Phytotesting of oil-contaminated soils using phytotolerant plants

    • A. P. Pakusina, T. P. Platonova. Environmental and chemical characteristics of small rivers in the area of operation of the oil pumping station

    • A. V. Markova, S. B. Ermolaeva, A. P. Goncharenko. Dependence of heavy metals content in synanthropic plants in the conditions of technogenic pollution of soils: a case study of the city of Ulyanovsk

  • Section 2. Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry
    • Yu. А. Gulyanov, A. A. Chibilev. Prospects for the integration of “digital land use” in the landscape-adaptive farming of the steppe zone

    • G.K. Esenzhanova, N. E. Totubaeva, Zh. K. Tokpaeva, G. T. Talaibekova, K. A. Kozhobaev. Changes in some indicators of soils and grounds of the town of Balykchy polluted by oil products after remediation

    • S. E. Korkin, V. A. Isypov. Ecological safety of wastewater treatment

    • N. B. Nesterova. Dynamics of the North taiga landscapes in the impact zone of the Kandalaksha Aluminum Plant

    • A. G. Titova. Assessment of the impact of solid munici pal waste landfills on the environment using an interdisci plinary approach

  • Section 3. Geoecology
    • N. S. Dega, F. H. Bostanova, A. R. Bairamkulova, N. M. Korchagina Geoecological assessment of the environment of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

    • V. A. Shchepetova, A. Ye. Balyukov. Forecasting and developing scenarios of emergencies in a gas boiler plant: a case study of the enterprise in Penza

    • O.A. Chumakova. The use of fine construction sand and technogenic waste in cement compositions

    • L. P. Mileshko, A. S. Kamysheva, V. A. Milashich. Ways to improve the system of environmental safety in the region

  • Section 4. Economic, social, political and recreational geography
    • I.Yu. Novoselova. Forecasting regional conflicts between the population and an extracting corporation

    • L. S. Parshina India — the Union of States: sharing environmental competencies

    • A. L. Novoselov, V. A. Lobkovsky. Economic assessment of last damage at a region level under uncertainty conditions

    Сборник аннотаций. Журнал "Проблемы региональной экологии" №2, 2019

    (включает: ключевые слова, информацию об авторах, пристатейный библиографический список)


Дата последнего обновления: 18:13:06/16.07.24
ИАА "Информ-Экология"

Министерство природных ресурсов Российской Федерации


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